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Funny Shit to Say in Public

Do you have a Funny Saying to share? Did you perhaps hear someone deflate a tense situation or save someone's day with something FUNNY they've said? Tell us about the funny things your kids and grandchildren say! Tell us about funny things your parents say! Tell us about funny things you hear at work! Tell us about the funny things YOU say! We'd love to hear, share it with us! Write at least 300 words (a few funny sayings) if you want to create your own page on FUN STUFF TO DO, otherwise use the comment form below!

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Funny sayings about children being smart
My husbands says that our children have my brains because he still has his. and here are a few more sayings from kids and teens... I'm not a complete …


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Funny Saying about Life-
Life is not a box of chocolates. Its more like a jar of jalapenos... What you eat today, will burn your ass the day after. Other True and Funny Sayings …

I dropped my laptop off a boat the other day. It's a Dell, rolling in the deep ;)

Friends are like KNICKERS.... Some crawl up your arse... Some snap under pressure... Some don't have the strength to hold you up... Some get a little …

fuzzy wazzy saying
Really fast say... Fuzzy wazzy was a bear fuzzy wazzy had no hair fuzzy wazzy wasn't fuzzy was he

Challenge Accepted
Mom: Tawni, you CAN'T ride your bike all the way to Mexico. Me: Oh yeah, Mom... Challenge Accepted.

Funny Sayings About Life
Laugh about your worries and worry about your laugh lines. Life is like a sewer... what you get out of it depends on what you put into it. Life is …

Guys Are Like Halloween Pumpkins
Guys remind me of halloween pumpkins. The good ones are always taken and the rest had their heads carved out with a spoon.

Funny Brothers

Funny sayings about brothers Not rated yet
He's a 29 year old who acts like a five year old; he deserves crappy stuff for Christmas. The highlight of my childhood was making my brother laugh …

Funny Math

What Math Really Means Not rated yet
MATH, to sum it all up for you, stands for: Mental Abuse Towards Humans. I was great at Math until they decided to mix the alphabet in it. Y must …

Uncontrollable sneezes Not rated yet
Once when I sneezed rapidly 3 times my sister said: "Do you know if you sneeze 3 times in a row, you can make a wish and it will come true?" I replied: …

Family Funny Sayings Not rated yet
First thing you do, check if you boyfriends family tree is a cactus, if it is you will know everybody on it is a prick. Why pay money to have your family …


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Funny saying about life. Not rated yet
You can't undo yesterday but you can work on today. Tomorrow, you can only wonder how you messed up two days in a row. The most important thing in life …

Funny Birth Sayings Not rated yet
You must have been born on a highway. That's where most accidents happen. When I was born I was so surprised I didn't talk for a year and a half. …

Annoying Questions

How to deal with annoying questions Not rated yet
Jim: what ya up to Bob: talking to you Jim: except that Bob: on google Jim: searching for what Bob: how to get a loser to stop talking to you Jim: …

Boy talking to his grandad - funny Not rated yet
My mate was sitting with his grandad and was listening to his stories about when he was young. He suddenly turned around and asked his grandad: "What else …

Funny Saying About Issues Not rated yet
Gσt A Problem?...Solνe It! Can't Stand Mε?...Sit Down! Cαn't Face Me?...Wεll Turn Around!

about life Not rated yet
So this friend boasts about his skydiving experience and the other one replies: I've never been skydiving.. but I have zoomed-in on Google Earth really …

Funny sayings about food Not rated yet
I once got a happy meal at McDonald's and then asked them to supersize it! I'm the kind of person who would come out of the gym... and go straight to …

Funny saying about Math Not rated yet
After careful consideration of X: Maybe algebra teachers are really just pirates that's why they want us to find the "X"!!! :o

Funny Debt Not rated yet
My Mom and I share the family home but now the money is getting tight. I jokingly said, "I'll help bring more money in by selling my body".... my Mom quickly …

All About Life

Funny Saying About Life:-) Not rated yet
Some of these life sayings are true, some reality checks, yet all quite funny: Life is like a batch of cookies. At first you think it is too much, but …

Funny Sayings From and About Stars Not rated yet
Anything is possible. Justin Timberlake proved it by bringing sexy back. Married life is so easy, you only have one woman to satisfy. - Will Smith …

Son And Dad Funny Not rated yet
Son: Dad I'm hungry. Dad: Hi hungry. Son: Dad I'm serious. Dad: But I thought you were... Son: Ahhh! Never mind dad! Dad: Hahaha!


Are you SMART? Then spell it ...... S-M-A-R-T ....NO YOU SHOULD SPELL THE WORD "IT". Don't eat nuts, if you "are what you eat". Smart people seem …

Marriage Not rated yet
What is the difference between a boyfriend and a husband? 45 min. What is the difference between a girlfriend and a wife? 45 lbs.

Funny saying about onions Not rated yet
My friend told me that onions are the only food that makes you cry, that was before I accidentally hit him in the face with a watermelon...

Funny things my room mate says Not rated yet
Once, my roommate said "Trying to be a good person is harder than nailing jello to the ceiling" "Its not about what you are but, ehh who cares we are …

a 6-year-old's innocence Not rated yet
Student: "When were you born Mr. Chris?" Teacher: "I was born in 1981." Student: "Oh...So you were born in ancient times." Teacher: Burst out …

Rich Seafood Not rated yet
Imagine how lobsters would feel if they knew how expensive they were.

Your PEOPLE just left - A funny thing to say Not rated yet
My friend: OH, MY Gosh. You won't believe what happened. Blah - blah - blah (starts talking about something) and carries on and on. Me: (Interrupts …

Funny Saying about the girls in my school Not rated yet
The skirts the girls wear in my school are shorter than spring break! For more funny sayings go: Here! For funny quips and quotes go: Here! …

2012 - 2013 Comedy - Funny Saying Not rated yet
When its 2013, I'm gonna go to the movies, watch 2012 and tell everyone I survived that!


Funny Sayings Images Not rated yet
Here are some funny sayings in image format, not much more to say have a LOOK, these sayings will touch your heart and stretch you laugh lines. View …

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WOW REALLY Not rated yet
6th Grade Video: and thats the been gay airplane Class: HAHAHA Me: What maybe it just doesn't fly staight!!! Everyone:HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! …

Just Mean! Not rated yet
Mason: How do you spell awkward? Me: A-W-K-W-A-R-D. Q.T: No!It's M-A-S-O-N! Everybody: Haaa Haa Haaa Ha!!

Funny Saying About Caring Not rated yet
"Hear that? .... It's the sound of nobody caring." America's health care system is neither healthy, caring, nor a system. - Walter Cronkite Happiness …

another typical english lesson Not rated yet
I always get voldermort and shakespear mixed up Teacher: what? Ahaha student: You know they are both just dead cool people!

Funny things Not rated yet
Have you ever noticed that we live in a world were pizza gets to ur house before the police?? __________________________________________________ Men …

Right and wrong sayings and funny quotes Not rated yet
I am always right even when I am right about being wrong. To do a great right do a little wrong. All one can do is hope to end up with the right …

JFK funny saying  Not rated yet
When someone says I didn't tell you to do that or something similar, say well no one told the guy that killed JFK to do it but he did!

Eeww Funny Saying Not rated yet
Eeww what's on your neck... my bad it's your head Eeww what's on your face... my bad it's your nose Eeww what's on your hand... my bad it's your fingers …

The Best Funny Sayings in General Not rated yet
When I die I want to go peacefully, like my grandfather did in his sleep. Not like the screaming passengers in his car. Do not argue with an idiot. …

Funny Sayings for your Parents Not rated yet
My parents accused me of lying to them: I screamed at them "santa, tooth fairy, Easter bunny" and walked off like the boss

Annoyingly Funny Sayings Not rated yet
hey apple, apple... apple... apple...........APPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (he said what). You look fruity hahahahahahahahahahaha. …

No Answer Not rated yet
I call my parents and they dont answer, and they call me i dont answer and then all of the sudden it's like World War 3.

Funny things to do at Walmart Not rated yet
Try this. Go to Walmart. Go to the toy section. Take a Dora doll. Put it on the floor in the middle of the aisle. Then go hide. When someone tries to pick …

Which - whitch - hat for you today? Fun Funny or Freaking Good Sayings for you and your friend and friendships

Funny FUN sayings on Facebook Not rated yet
A life journey of fun will provide you with laugh lines only, no matter how grim life become. When the tough is on, we all head to FUN STUFF TO DO …

Facebook Funny

Funny Saying About Facebook Not rated yet
Facebook is like jail. We are friends with people we don't know, we get poked by strangers, we waste time, and write on walls. You post all your drama …

lezbians Not rated yet
If lezbians dislike men so much why do they try so bloody hard to look like truck drivers?

Sick Bastard Funny Saying

The Ball - Funny Saying and Other Quotes Not rated yet
I kept wondering why the ball was getting closer. Then it hit me! Other Funny Sayings and Quotes: No matter where you go – You're always there! …

I'm A Bandit! Not rated yet
With my hood on and whispering to myself while staring at the floor, "I'm a bandit, and I'm gonna steal all your stuff!!" My boyfriend, Tyler, "You …

Womdingle? Not rated yet
Me: Hey, what's a Womdingle? Friend: Wait, what? Me: You know, a Womdingle... Friend: Where the heck did you hear that from? Me: I don't know... maybe …


LOL - Funny Saying Not rated yet
Guy breaks girls heart. Girl breaks guys PS3. Who cries more?

Man Not rated yet
A Man is known by the Company he can or can't keep.

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