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Is It Bad to Lose Baby Teeth Early

The get-go time your child loses a primary (or "baby") tooth can exist an exciting milestone. But what if you think your child is too young to lose a baby tooth? What if your child's tooth was unexpectedly knocked out? In some cases, the loss of a principal tooth before the replacement permanent tooth is ready to come in could crave special care from your child's pediatric dentist. Here is what parents should know nearly the premature loss of primary teeth.

When Is Information technology Too Soon to Lose a Infant Tooth?

Children ordinarily begin to lose their first teeth somewhere around six years of age and continue losing teeth until historic period 11 to 13. The lower central incisors (the bottom forepart teeth) are typically the commencement to go, and the second premolars are usually the concluding. (For a diagram showing the typical ages at which children lose each baby tooth, see our article on when kids get their permanent teeth.)

That said, every child is unique and differences in the timing and order of chief tooth loss are not necessarily cause for business concern. However, if your child loses a molar significantly earlier than age six, or has a baby tooth knocked out, information technology'due south a good idea to consult a pediatric dentist to be sure in that location are no underlying problems or hidden harm.

What Causes Premature Primary Molar Loss?

Diverse conditions tin can cause a primary tooth to autumn out too early on, including

  • Dental trauma from an accident or injury;
  • Periodontitis, a serious glue infection that tin weaken the gum tissue and surrounding bone so much that they can no longer back up the teeth; and
  • Certain medical conditions, like hypophosphatasia (a genetic disorder that weakens bone evolution) or some forms of childhood cancer.

In addition, severe tooth decay can lead to serious infections that necessitate the removal of a primary molar before it is ready to fall out naturally. Similarly, when dental trauma causes a primary tooth to go loose, the molar could go infected and need to be removed entirely.

How Can I Prevent Premature Primary Molar Loss?

Although it is not ever possible to forestall the loss of a child's tooth, in that location are several steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of premature principal molar loss.

First, aid your child do adept oral hygiene. Assist your kid brush his/her teeth twice a day, every twenty-four hours, and brand certain your child flosses regularly. Limit your child's intake of sugary drinks (like juice, soda, and sports drinks) and serve foods that are nutritionally counterbalanced.

Second, brand certain your child wears an athletic rima oris guard to protect his/her teeth and gums when playing sports. A custom-fabricated mouth guard, fitted by your child's dentist, offers the all-time protection for your child.

Third, have your child to see a pediatric dentist regularly. Routine dental visits play a critical role in detecting and preventing early on tooth loss. Your child'south dentist can use a combination of visual exams and diagnostic radiographic imaging to detect take a chance for early tooth loss. If your child's dentist determines that your child is at high chance for early tooth loss, the dentist tin can monitor the teeth and work with you and your kid to minimize that risk.

What Should I Practise If a Baby Tooth Is Lost Too Soon?

If you are concerned that a baby tooth has fallen out prematurely, give your child's pediatric dentist a call. Fifty-fifty though baby teeth will eventually be replaced by permanent teeth, they are notwithstanding important to your child'southward dental health. They concur the place for permanent teeth and aid in the evolution of a child's bite.

If a baby tooth is lost too early, pediatric dentists are the most qualified professionals to help. They can assistance diagnose the underlying crusade of the early on tooth loss and help forbid the premature loss of additional teeth. If in that location is a related medical outcome, the pediatric dentist can brand referrals for other medical care equally needed.

Additionally, a pediatric dentist can evaluate the need for a space maintainer. When a baby tooth is lost too early, the side by side teeth often offset shifting into the open space. This can consequence in your child's teeth becoming crowded and crooked. Space maintainers hold the adjacent teeth in a steady position and then that the permanent replacement tooth tin grow in appropriately.

Keep in mind that a lost baby tooth should not be reinserted into your child'due south gums, equally reinserting the tooth could damage your child'due south developing permanent teeth.

Pediatric Dentist in Hurst, TX

If you have whatever concerns that your child may have lost a baby molar also early, visit our office. Dr. Lin can evaluate your child'due south dental health and assistance him or her maintain that beautiful smiling! Telephone call our office today at (817) 510-6400 to schedule an appointment.

This commodity is intended to provide general information virtually oral health topics. It should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical condition or every bit a substitute for the advice of a healthcare professional who is fully aware of and familiar with the specifics of your case. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with regard to whatsoever questions you may have relating to a medical condition or treatment.

  • Dr. Jin Lin is a board-certified pediatric dentist with a passion for helping children attain healthier, more cute smiles. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Cornell University and his Medico of Dental Medicine (D.1000.D.) degree from the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. After graduating cum laude from dental school, he completed his post-doctoral pediatric dentistry grooming at Boston Children's Hospital and the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, where he served as chief resident and worked with children with a wide variety of special medical and dental needs, including children with rare syndromes.
