How to Stop Zombie Pigmen From Attacking You
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How to Stop Zombie Pigmen From Attacking You
#1 Jul 2, 2014
How long does it take a Zombie Pigman group to stop being angry (as measured in number of minutes since they first became enraged)? I got all diamond armor and diamond sword and managed to kill quite a few of them. Unfortunately, when they came for me I was so outnumbered that my diamond armor did me no good, and I was quickly slaughtered, losing EVERYTHING invntory, and all 18 levels of EXP points that I had manged to get.
For future reference, how long do I need to wait before going back to try to get my stuff? I found a safe place in the nether to hide (I hear that hiding out in the overworld doesn't calm them down). And I want to know how long I need to wait before I can go back and try to gather all the items I dropped, without them attacking me again as soon as they see me (so far I've been taken out 10 times in a row as I have tried to go back and get my stuff, so I've decided to wait, but I need to know for how long).
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#2 Jul 3, 2014
Zombie Pigman don't become non-aggressive, unless they despawn or die. They are even motivated enough to chase down someone into the portal and into the Overworld. You'll just have to stay out of the Nether until they despawn. They are famed for their endless aggression, and never giving up. The only way to kill them efficiently is by leading them into traps, because they don't have any pathfinding in their AI. This was done so if you were smart enough, you wouldn't attack them directly.
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Newly Spawned: Baby. Out of the Water: Deep-Sea Diver. Tree Puncher: First Fight. Carpenter: Under The Carpet. Stone Miner : Newb. Coal Miner: Just Add Methane. Zombie Killer: Village Protector. Iron Miner: Burnt Hands.
BudderGold Miner: Sky Army Stuck At Home: It's a nightmare Redstone Miner: Electrician. Diamond Miner: I'm rich! Lapis Lazuli Collector: Enchanting Time!#4 Jul 3, 2014
Zombie pigmen are actually supposed to become neutral after 20-40 seconds, which was fixed in the 1.8 snapshots (in older versions I see a variable called angerLevel in the code, which is set to a random number between 400 and 799, which translates to 20-39.95 seconds when converted from ticks (20/s); I'm guessing that the code that decrements this variable was accidentally removed somehow at some point). In the meantime, setting the difficulty to Peaceful for a second is probably the best way to get rid of angry pigmen, as long as they didn't pick anything up (as they will despawn regardless when set to Peaceful).
That said, when I had a similar situation occur I used an enchanted golden apple plus diamond armor (unenchanted) to grant me near invincibility for 30 seconds, enough time to kill them and get my stuff back (they had picked it up so switching to Peaceful wasn't an option). Of course, that is a very expensive solution (depending how how much gold you have; for me it is a complete non-issue to make one).
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#5 Jul 3, 2014
This happened to me before...what I did was run in and grab as much stuff as I could before they started to attack, then I ran to my base. They followed, so I dug a tunnel under them to roughly where my stuff was. I popped up, grabbed the rest of my stuff, blocked up the tunnel, and ran back to my base.
Hope this helps!
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#6 Jul 3, 2014
You are wrong about it being fixed in the 1.8 snapshots (or else it was fixed in earlier snapshots, and then rebroken again), because I'm using the latest snapshot available (14w27b) and am still finding that Zombie Pigmen are not turning back neutral. I ended up giving up, and just starting a new game.
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#7 Jul 3, 2014
Next time, just pillar up a few blocks to where they can't reach you, and then take them out with a bow and arrows.
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Village Mechanics: A not-so-brief guide - Update 2017! Now with 1.8 breeding mechanics! Long-overdue trading info, coming soon!
You think magic isn't real? Consider this: for every person, there is a sentence -- a series of words -- which has the power to destroy them.
#8 Jul 3, 2014
Any time you attack one of them, that enrages others nearby. This means that after I kill off those attacking me, more will come for me. I didn't have a bow and arrows. I had a diamond sword.
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#9 Jul 3, 2014
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Newly Spawned: Baby. Out of the Water: Deep-Sea Diver. Tree Puncher: First Fight. Carpenter: Under The Carpet. Stone Miner : Newb. Coal Miner: Just Add Methane. Zombie Killer: Village Protector. Iron Miner: Burnt Hands.
BudderGold Miner: Sky Army Stuck At Home: It's a nightmare Redstone Miner: Electrician. Diamond Miner: I'm rich! Lapis Lazuli Collector: Enchanting Time!#10 Jul 4, 2014
It was fixed in 14w06a, and the babies were broken in 14w07a (MC-56771). I just tested it again in 14w27b, it is still fixed for adults and still broken for babies. But note that even after they turn neutral they will still be targeting you until you leave their (rather large) follow distance. Also note that if even one is still angry when you come back it will re-anger the rest when it retargets you.
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#11 Jul 4, 2014
Does it re-anger the rest, or do you end up re-angering the rest when you attack it to defend yourself?
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#12 Jul 4, 2014
If you attack a zombie pigman, it will anger any other pigman in the near vicinity. Regardless of whether you attacked to defend yourself or not. The pigman are basically like a large family, and they will defend anyone who they see being attacked.
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#13 Jul 5, 2014
If you leave the aggro range of an angry zombie pigman and then come back, part of the process of re-acquiring you as a target is to anger any other pigmen in the area.
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#14 Nov 24, 2015
are zombie pigmen supposed to stay angered after they've killed you or is that a bug? it said on the wiki that after they killed you they would be at peice but everytime i enter the neather i get my ass handed to me by the ones that made it into my outcrop near my portal. Dont they despawn when you respawn in the overworld?
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#15 Nov 24, 2015
I may be incorrect, but I think they slow down a bit when they are no longer angry. They will keep attacking you until you leave their follow distance, however.
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#18 Jun 2, 2019
Can people stop dismissing this issue as 'oh, you just don't know the mechanics' please.
This is a problem that wasn't present until the 1.14 update, so it is most likely a bug. And if it is just some new mechanics, these mechanics need changing. It forces players into a position where, unless they use commands, they can no longer utelise the nether without having to face constant hordes of Pigmen.
1.14 has -thus far- shown itself to be riddled with bugs. Likely due to a change in the game's engine (I have heard this, though I cannot say whether it is true or not). Regardless of what is causing the bugs, there are lots of them, and many players are completely avoiding this version of the game until optifine comes out due to how poorly optimised it is.
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